After 104 years in business, MSA knows a thing or two about worker safety. With product lines ranging from fall protection to gas and flame detection to fire fighting respirators, MSA has a solution for every worker safety challenge. No matter the industry, no matter the circumstances, no matter the risks involved. But when it came time for MSA to launch their first-ever SaaS product, they needed a partner who knew a thing or two about telling compelling stories about super cool technology. Naturally, we were happy to oblige.

Our story started at the very beginning: we needed a name and mark for a brand new, innovative SaaS product. Once ALTAIR GRID had risen from the sparks and ash of creative awesomeness, we crafted a bold visual identity system and developed a story that not only conveys the typical use cases and technological advantages of the product, but puts special focus on the very real, very human aspects of working in often dangerous, high-risk industries. The result was a very unexpected SaaS conversation, fueled by placing the worker squarely at the core of a high-tech, high-reward service offering. An unexpected product from MSA, yielding better-than-expected results.