As a world leader in industrial and worker safety, MSA makes a habit of baking cutting-edge technology into their rugged, tough-as-nails product lines. The Senscient ELDS open path gas detector is no exception. Using patented lasers to spot and identify toxic and flammable gases, MSA has developed a method to increase work site safety while also eliminating the need for workers to enter hazardous spaces for routine gas checks and alarm states.

Armed with life-saving laser beams, THIS IS RED crafted a compelling animated story to introduce MSA’s best in class gas detector product. A visual identity suite accompanied the product film to further brand MSA’s innovative product technologies, including SimuGas and the breakthrough Harmonic Fingerprint. The resulting work spread rapidly in video, digital, and print, and MSA Senscient ELDS gas detectors have since been casting ever-watchful laser vision over refineries, power plants, oil rigs, and sea harbors across the globe.